The options menus gives you some quick links some miscellaneous features.
Return to Admin Panel
Clicking this will take you to the Site Information panel in the back end of the CMS system.
Hide Editor
This feature is useful for seeing how your site looks to other users. It minimised the toolbar down to a very narrow slither, and hides unpublished pages from both menus and dynamic lists.
The narrow slither, which replaces the toolbar can be clicked to return to the main toolbar.
Scale View
This is used while editing the page. If active the site is scaled to fit into the available space. Unticked the site is squeezed into the space, the unticked version can be quite useful for simulating smaller screens by resizing the edit toolbar.
This logs you out and shows the editor login screen. To hide the login screen you can click on the DUO logo, or the return to home page button at the bottom.